Sunday, August 4, 2013


My fascination with biscuits began years ago when my sister-in-law’s husband had spent the night with us one night and made biscuits from scratch for breakfast the next morning. He insisted that they are pretty simple to make, and I must say that he did a really great job making them.

Now, years later, after learning how much my husband and kids love biscuits, I re-visited the previous desire I once had to try to make them, myself. I referred to my trusted Betty Crocker cook book (given to me by an old friend for Christmas some time ago). It took a couple of tries to really get the hang of it, and make them the way that my family prefers them.

I am happy to say that making biscuits has now become something that I can do, even in my sleep. Like my brother-in-law had promised, they are pretty simple to make, and I make them quite often.

There are two ways I make my biscuits: the “classic” way if I’m making them for breakfast, or the cheesy-garlic way for our pasta/Italian nights. But, regardless of how I make them, they are always a hit in my home!

These pictures are from my first time (ever) trying to make biscuits. I have learned a couple of things since then. For one, I switched from doing the buttermilk kind to just doing regular - using only milk...I found that biscuits turn out softer and better. Second, raw biscuits are supposed to touch each other on the baking sheet to get that crispy-on-the outside-but-soft and chewy-on-the-inside result. Third, I now use shortening instead of the butter that you see in the picture.

These are my breakfast biscuits:

as you can see, this was before I discovered this thing called the baking mat which is an ultra clever little gadget made of silicone one can use for rolling out and kneading dough/pastry.
here, you can see how far apart the raw biscuits sit from one another...if I had done a better job reading through the directions of the cook book, it clearly stated to have them touch each and learn!

These are my dinner biscuits:
I did them exactly the same way, except I added garlic powder and a couple handfuls of grated parmesan cheese...

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